| | Title: What Happened to the Perfect World that God Made? Author: Sorensen, Arlene Description: Bible lessons about God creating the world. Where does the world comes from? Where do humans come from...? Subject: English Lessons | Life's Questions Series Year Published: 2005 Pages: 2 Filesize:
| | Title: Where Did Human Life Come From? Author: Sorensen, Arlene Description: Bible lessons about God creating the world. Where does the world comes from? Where do humans come from...? Subject: English Lessons | Life's Questions Series Year Published: 2005 Pages: 2 Filesize:
| | Title: Where Did Our Earth Come From? Author: Sorensen, Arlene Description: Bible lessons about God creating the world. Where does the world comes from? Where do humans come from...? Subject: English Lessons | Life's Questions Series Year Published: 2005 Pages: 4 Filesize: