| | Link: Baptist World Mission Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Campus Crusade for Christ International - Thailand Author: Campus Crusade for Christ International Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Campus Outreach - Thailand Author: Campus Outreach - Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
|  | Title: Chao Kawilorot Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Short entry about the sixth Prince (chao luang) of Chiang Mai after Chiang Mai was freed from Burmese rule. He played a key role in the early history of the Loas Mission Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Article Pages: 1 Filesize:
|  | Title: Chiang Mai Mission Press Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Short entry about the Chiang Mai Mission Press established by the Laos Mission in 1892 Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Article Pages: 1 Filesize:
| | Link: Chiang Mai Orality Network Description: Network of missionaries and other Christians in the Chiang Mai area who are interested in orality and Bible storying in Thailand and beyond Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Child Evangelism Fellowship - Thailand Author: Child Evangelism Fellowship Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Christian and Missionary Alliance - Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Christian Outreach Centre - Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: CLC Bookstore Description: Christian bookstore with English and Thai books Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
|  | Title: Cracked earth; the story of WEC in Thailand from the perspective of Rosemary Charters Author: Wolf, Claralice Hanna Description: The story of Rosemary Charters life as missionary in Thailand and her personal record of the history of W.E.C.'s ministry and growth in Thailand Subject: Missionaries; Mission Organizations; Biography Type: Book Year Published: 1989 Pages: 176 Filesize:
| | Link: Create International - Thailand Description: Create International Thailand produces movies, art, websites, and photography to mobilize workers, prayer, finances, and help ministries communicate the gospel to the unreached. Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Every Home for Christ - Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: FEBC Thailand Description: Broadcasting Christian radio in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
|  | Title: The Finnish Free Foreign Mission and the Origins of Pentecostalism in Thailand, 1946-1960 Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Article about the Finnish Free Foreign Mission (FFFM) in and the Origins of Pentecostalism in Thailand in the period 1946-1960. Article also speaks about FFFM working together with Ajarn Boonmark Kittisarn. Subject: Mission Organizations; Church History | 1900-1950; Church History | 1950s ; Church History | 1960s; Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 2003 Pages: 9 Filesize:
| | Link: Fundamental Baptist Missions International Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Gospel Recordings Network Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand. GRN is a provider of Christian evangelistic and discipleship audio visual materials to the least reached language groups of the world. Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
|  | Title: The History of YWAMs Efforts in Chiang Mai, Thailand (1968-2009) Author: Sanborn, Sean Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Article Year Published: 2012 Pages: 3 Filesize:
| | Link: IFES Thailand Description: International Fellowship of Evangelical Students Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: InfoMekong.com Author: InfoMekong Description: Website providing information and resources on ministry among various people groups in the Mekong area Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: The Isaan of Northeast Thailand Author: IMB Isaan Team Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: The Lampang Team of OMF International in Thailand Description: We are a team of 8 adults (and 8 kids) and we have been working in northern Thailand in a town called Lampang (click here for more on Lampang) since August 2008. Our desire is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the people of Lampang as we live alongside them and serve and love them with the love of Jesus. One of the ways that we get to know people is through our centre, called The Lighthouse, from where we teach English, run Kids' Clubs and offer other informal activities aimed at building friendships. Our purpose is to glorify God by being an organic expression of Him. Our vision is to see a movement of indigenous, Biblical organic churches in Lampang. Our mission is to gather communities of believers into organic expressions of the Body of Christ. Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
|  | Title: Laos Mission Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Short description of the Laos Mission, founded by McGilvary Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Article Pages: 1 Filesize:
|  | Title: Laos Mission priorities Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Short article about Laos Mission priorities in 1903 Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Article Year Published: 1996 Pages: 1 Filesize:
|  | Title: Marburger Background Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Few short articles about the Marburger Mission in Thailand as of 1950 Subject: Mission Organizations; Church Planting Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 2 Filesize:
| | Link: Mission to the World (MTW) Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: New Light Foundation Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: New Tribes Mission - Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand. Website includes list of NTM missionaries serving in Thailand and prayer & news items for Thailand Subject: Missionaries; Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Northern Thailand Impact Ministry Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Northern Thai Missions Author: Kruger, Rynier Description: The Kingdom's VOICE for the ETHNE Northern Thai People Group Subject: Mission Organizations; Missionaries Type: Website
|  | Title: No Turning Back: The Beginnings of WEC in Thailand Author: Ashcraft, Nancy Description: An account of the beginnings of the WEC mission work in the Central/North parts of Thailand, and the stories of those missionaries who took part. Subject: Church History | 1950s ; Mission Organizations Type: Book Year Published: 2003 Pages: 92 Filesize:
| | Link: OMF Isaan Author: Visser, Marten Description: Blog site of OMF missionary team in Isaan Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: OMF Publishers Thailand Author: Kanok Bannasan Description: Publisher of Christian books in Thai Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: OMF Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
|  | Title: OMF Thailand Yesterday and Today Author: Leighton, Mark Description: A brief summary of the history of OMF in Thailand, from the 1950s to the 2012, with attention to indigeneous biblical church planting movements Subject: Mission Organizations; Church History | Type: Article Year Published: 2012 Pages: 3 Filesize:
| | Link: Pioneers Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
|  | Title: The Presbyterian Bishop of Chiang Mai Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Article about the influence of Rev. Daniel McGilvary in the Laos Mission and how some others in the mission viewed him. Subject: Mission Organizations; Missionaries Type: Article Year Published: 2003 Pages: 6 Filesize:
| | Link: Rahab Ministries Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand - Helping Women Trapped in Prostitution Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Santisuk Desiring God Mission Author: Indehar, Todd and Karen Description: Missionary blog site. Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Missionaries; Mission Organizations Type: Website
|  | Title: Sheep Stealing Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Article about (accusations of) sheep stealing between FFFM and CCT in Thailand. Subject: Mission Organizations; Church History Type: Article Year Published: 1997 Pages: 3 Filesize:
|  | Title: Siam and Laos as seen by American missionaries Author: Presbyterian board of publication Description: Book with illustrations containing contributions of American missionaries about life, culture and mission in Siam and Laos. Subject: Mission Organizations; Missionaries; Church History | 1800-1900 Type: Book Year Published: 1884 Pages: 554 Filesize:
| | Link: Siam Mission Website Author: Siam Mission Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: SIM Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
|  | Title: Summarizing Presbyterian Missions in Siam Author: Swanson, Herb Description: This articles is a brief a summary of the history of Presbyterian missions in Siam/Thailand. Subject: Church History; Mission Organizations Type: Article Year Published: 2004 Pages: 2 Filesize:
| | Link: Thailand Assemblies of God Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Thailand Missions.org Author: Jones, Danny Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations; Missionaries Type: Website
|  | Title: Thai Protestant Christianity: A Study of Cultural and Theological Interactions between Western Missionaries (the American Presbyterian Mission and the Overseas Missionary Fellowship) and Indigenous Thai Churches (the Church of Christ in Thailand and the Associated Churches of Thailand-Central) Author: McLean, Patricia Description: This thesis investigates and compares the different ways in which missionaries and indigenous Christians have related Christianity to Thai Buddhist culture within the matrix of Thai Buddhism. The thesis also compares these approaches with the evolving patterns of engagement with Thai Buddhism and Thai Buddhist culture among Thai Christians of CCT and ACTC. Subject: Mission Organizations; Contextualization Type: Thesis Year Published: 2002 Pages: 414 Filesize:
| | Link: Urban Neighbors of Hope Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Vibrant - God At Work Among the Southern Thai People Author: Callow, Jeff Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand. Team website & blog for OMF South Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: WEC Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Word Made Flesh - Thailand Author: Hupe, Tim and Amy Description: Missionary blog site. Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Missionaries; Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Word of Life - Thailand Author: Gordon, Jeff Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Word of Life Thailand Author: Gordon, Jeff Description: Missionary blog site and mission agency website Subject: Missionaries; Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: Youth for Christ - Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: YWAM Ratchaburi Author: Prommathat, Bronwyn Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website
| | Link: YWAM Thailand Description: Mission Agency ministering in Thailand Subject: Mission Organizations Type: Website