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View the PDF document Title: A PROLEGOMENA FOR THE THAI CONTEXT: A Starting Point for Thai Theology (Article)
Author: Taylor, Steve
Description: The article explores the statement why "Thai are not interested in systematic theology’. The reason is most theology taught in Thailand is Western in origin. The problem is that the thought processes and epistemology of the Thai have generally not developed along Western lines. They hold different presuppositions and world view to that of the West. Furthermore, ‘local theologies which are directly applicable to the Thai mind and culture have not yet emerged’. The gospel of Jesus Christ can not yet be said to have become rooted in the Thai mind. This article discusses the necessity for develop of a Thai systematic theology.
Subject: Contextualization; Leadership; Discipleship
Year Published: 2003
Pages: 19 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: An Anthropological Approach to the Study of Leadership: Lessons learned on improving leadership practice
Author: Johnson, Alan
Description: Much leadership training is predicated on universal views of leadership and based on cognitive methods. Drawing on his research of social influence processes in a Bangkok slum, the author challenges these ideas and argues that an anthropological approach to the study of leadership suggests training methods that take sociocultural dynamics seriously.
Subject: Leadership
Year Published: 2007
Pages: 9 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: Churchplanting model and leadership
Author: Swanson, Herb
Description: Short articles about churchmodel within CCT in north Thailand and approach to leadership shift to local people.
Subject: Church Planting; Church History; Leadership
Year Published: 1996
Pages: 2 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: Gaps in Beliefs of Thai Christians
Author: Taylor, Steve
Description: This article's aim is to determine the extent to which Buddhism, Animism, Brahmanism, and the Thai social structure influence the belief of Thai Christians and to evaluate whether our present system and content of Christian education (e.g. preaching, Bible studies, Sunday school) are sufficient to correct any problem areas. Of particular interest has been to study how the prominent religions in Thailand influence how Thai Christians understand God.
Subject: Syncretism; Discipleship; Leadership
Year Published: 1999
Pages: 9 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: Pa Wan, Training School, Night School
Author: Swanson, Herb
Description: Article about Pa Wan, a christian woman and the first student at the Laos Mission Theological Training School
Subject: Church History | 1800-1900; Leadership
Year Published: 1995
Pages: 1 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: Pastoral Care
Author: Swanson, Herb
Description: Few short articles about pastoral counseling in the CCT, the CCT's struggle with pastoral care and self-support for churches and rural groups.
Subject: Church History | 1800-1900; Church History | 1900-1950; Leadership; Church Planting
Year Published: 1995
Pages: 3 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: The First Women Elders
Author: Swanson, Herb
Description: Short article about the first elected women elders in Thailand.
Subject: Leadership; Church History
Year Published: 1996
Pages: 1 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: Theological Education in Thailand: An Interview with Daniel Kim
Author: Dahlfred, Karl
Description: An interview with Daniel Kim, director of Chiang Mai Theological Seminary, about the needs and challenges of theological education in Thailand
Subject: Discipleship; Leadership
Year Published: 2011
Pages: 4 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: Theses Topics at McGilvary
Author: Swanson, Herb
Description: Article about thesis topics at McGilvary Faculty of Theology between 1965-2002
Subject: Leadership
Year Published: 2002
Pages: 1 Filesize: