|  | Title: Christianity and Buddhism in Thailand Author: Hughes, Phillip Description: Study highlighting the differences and similarites between Buddhist and Christian soteriology Subject: Contextualization; Buddhism Year Published: 1983 Pages: 19 Filesize:
|  | Title: Christianity and Buddhism in Thailand: The "Battle of the Axes" and the "Contest of Power" Author: Cohen, Erik Description: Insightful article written by a non-Christian about the difficultly missionaries have in converting Thai's to Christianity. The article contrasts the difference between Buddhist thought and Christian thought and how effects the spread of Christianity in Thailand Subject: Contextualization; Buddhism Year Published: 1991 Pages: 27 Filesize:
|  | Title: Contextualizing with Thai Folk Buddhists Author: DeNeui, Paul Description: Research paper on understanding Thai Folk Buddhism Subject: Contextualization; Buddhism Year Published: 2002 Pages: 36 Filesize:
|  | Title: Research of Christian Concepts in a Buddhist Context Author: Visser, Marten and Esther Description: A research project to find out how certain Christian concepts are understood by Buddhist people, to find out which meaning these Christian concepts carry for Christians with a Buddhist background, to examine suitability of the Christian concepts in reaching out to Buddhist, and to examine availability of suitable alternative concepts. Subject: Buddhism; Contextualization Year Published: 2005 Pages: 10 Filesize:
|  | Title: Thai Christian converts and traditional supernaturalism: The conflict of intersecting worldviews Author: Zehner, Edwin Description: This article explores the contours and intersections of thetwo sets of beliefs of Thai Christians and Thai non-Christians, and the way the differences are played out in talk ebout the supernatural, and in the practice of and responses to proselytization. Subject: Contextualization; Buddhism Year Published: 1990 Pages: 35 Filesize: