|  | Title: A PROLEGOMENA FOR THE THAI CONTEXT: A Starting Point for Thai Theology (Thesis) Author: Taylor, Steve Description: The heart of the research is an extensive study of the Thai context in particular the Thai thought structure, philosophy, epistemology and system of belief. Data was drawn from materials already available and six interviews with prominent Thai thinkers. A method of approaching theology in the Thai context is proposed. Subject: Contextualization; Leadership; Discipleship Year Published: 2003 Pages: 182 Filesize:
|  | Title: A Study of the Relationship Between Christian Education & the Belief System of Thai Christians Author: Taylor, Steve Description: This thesis looks at the Thai Christian’s understanding of God. The influences of Buddhism, Animism, Brahmanism and the patron-client system of social relationships are each analysed for potential influence upon Thai Christians in their understanding and relationship with God. These influences are then evaluated from a Biblical perspective. Subject: Syncretism; Discipleship; Leadership Year Published: 1999 Pages: 244 Filesize:
|  | Title: Developing Emerging Leadership for The Associated Churches Of Thailand in Bangkok Author: Ngaihte, Ginnei Thang Description: This study proposes a culturally relevant strategy for leadership development in the Associated Churches of Thailand in Bangkok Subject: Leadership Year Published: 1999 Pages: 134 Filesize:
|  | Title: Forming Effective Partnerships with Thai Christian Leaders in Church Planting Author: Chang, David Dao-Ming Description: This thesis investigates different types of conflicts between missionaries and Thai Christian leaders and provides keys to effective partnership . Subject: Leadership Year Published: 2011 Pages: 76 Filesize:
|  | Title: Leadership in a Bangkok Slum: An Ethnography of Thai Urban Poor in the Lang Wat Pathum Wanaram Community An Ethnography of Thai Urban Poor in the Lang Wat Pathum Wanaram Community Author: Johnson, Alan Description: A thesis submitted by Alan Johnson in fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Wales on ‘What are the shared understandings that Thais in the target community have about the leader-follower relationship, and how are these understandings utilized and enacted in social contexts? Subject: Leadership; Culture Year Published: 2006 Pages: 418 Filesize:
|  | Title: Patron-Client Relationships and the Challenge for the Thai Church Author: Taylor, Steve Description: This study investigates the patterns of patron-client relationships in Thai society. It primarily deals with the relationship between church leaders and members. It covers a wider spectrum of relationships within the church, especially where one person exercises influence over another. Subject: Culture; Leadership; Syncretism Year Published: 1997 Pages: 164 Filesize: