View the PDF document Title: The history and growth of the CCT in Thailand: An evangelistic perspective
Author: Koydul, Virat
Description: Part of thesis about the growth and development in the Church of Christ in Thailand between 1978-1989
Subject: Evangelism; Church History | 1970s; Church History | 1980s; Church Planting
Type: Thesis
Year Published: 1990
Pages: 108 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: The Missionary As Stranger: Phenomenological Analysis of Christian Missionaries' Encounter with the Folk Religions of Thailand
Author: Cohen, Erik
Description: Two major dimensions of strangeness, the cognitive and the normative, are distinguished in Schuetz’s classical phenomenological model of transition from strangeness to familiarity. It is argued that there is a category of stranger whose roles and obligations encourage a cognitive, but preclude a normative transition from strangeness to familiarity. The argument is examined on empirical data on Christian missionaries in Thailand. Specifically, the changing attitudes to local beliefs in spirits (phii) and their accommodation into the missionaries’ worldview are examined. It is found that the missionaries tend to ‘Christianize’ the spirits, thus modifying their worldview, but not changing it fundamentally.
Subject: Contextualization
Type: Article
Year Published: 1990
Pages: 15 Filesize:

View the PDF document Title: Thai Christian converts and traditional supernaturalism: The conflict of intersecting worldviews
Author: Zehner, Edwin
Description: This article explores the contours and intersections of thetwo sets of beliefs of Thai Christians and Thai non-Christians, and the way the differences are played out in talk ebout the supernatural, and in the practice of and responses to proselytization.
Subject: Contextualization; Buddhism
Type: Research Paper
Year Published: 1990
Pages: 35 Filesize: