Title: An Anthropological Approach to the Study of Leadership: Lessons learned on improving leadership practice Author: Johnson, Alan Description: Much leadership training is predicated on universal views of leadership and based on cognitive methods. Drawing on his research of social influence processes in a Bangkok slum, the author challenges these ideas and argues that an anthropological approach to the study of leadership suggests training methods that take sociocultural dynamics seriously. Subject: Leadership Type: Article Year Published: 2007 Pages: 9 Filesize: |
Title: Sharing your faith with a Buddhist Author: Johnson, Alan Description: A presentation on contextualization. Primarily in regards to Buddhist beliefs Subject: Contextualization; Evangelism Type: Powerpoint Year Published: 2007 Pages: Filesize: |
Title: A Study of the Belief Systems and Decision Making of the Isan People of Northeast Thailand with a View Towards Making Use of These Insights in Christian Evangelism Author: Saiyasak, Chansamone Description: The study presents eight characteristics of the Isan society which have proved to be obstacles, hindrances, or barriers for the penetration of the the gospel to the Isan. Finally, twelve missiological implications of the study are presented as suggested approaches for those working with the Isan people of the Northeast and other groups with a similar culture and way of life. Subject: Isaan; Evangelism Type: Thesis Year Published: 2007 Pages: 374 Filesize: |