Title: Animism and the Prosperity Gospel Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: Some reflections on how animism may be influencing Thai Christians towards an interest in the prosperity gospel Subject: Syncretism Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Book Review - "From Buddha to Jesus: An Insider’s View of Buddhism & Christianity", by Steve Cioccolanti Author: Dinkins, Larry Subject: Buddhism; Contextualization; Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 3 Filesize: |
Title: A Brief Survey of Thai Bible Translations Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: A survey of the available Thai Bible translations and an evaluation of their relative merits Subject: Bible Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 4 Filesize: |
Title: Finding the Real Reason Thai People Become “Christians” Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: When new believers disappear from church and seemingly give up the Christian faith, it is often a disillusioning and discouraging time for those who introduced them to the Gospel, and perhaps even led them in saying the sinnerʼs prayer together. Great expectations and high hopes are dashed. Why do people seem to come in and come out of the faith so easily? The author reflects on some observations on conversion from Thai pastor Wan Petchsongkram Subject: Evangelism; Syncretism Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: From Pioneer Mission to Autonomous Church Author: Björkgren-Thylin, Marika Description: This research examine how the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand came into being. It explores the development from the starting of the Lutheran pioneer mission in 1976 to the founding of an autonomous Lutheran church in 1994. It also examines the Lutheran mission enterprise in Thailand in relation to contemporary international mission thinking and to local perspectives such as contextualisation and the adaptation of the mission work to Thai society. Subject: Church History | 1980s; Church History | 1990s; Church History | 1970s Type: Thesis Year Published: 2009 Pages: 475 Filesize: |
Title: A History of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements in Thailand Author: Hosack, Jim Description: An article about the history of the Pentecostal Church in Thailand. Subject: Church History Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 17 Filesize: |
Title: How do You Say “Godliness” in Thai? (2 Peter 1:3) Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: A difference in Bible translations causes the author to question the best way to express the biblical idea of "godliness" in the Thai language Subject: Bible Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: If I Had to Do It All Over Again Author: Dinkins, Larry Description: A veteran missionary reflects on what he'd do differently if he could go back in time and start his missionary career over again Subject: Contextualization Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Illustrating the Gospel from Thai History Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: Because the concept of substitution is largely absent from Buddhist thinking, there are a couple of illustrations from Thai history that I will often use to explain to people how Jesus could die on the cross, not for his own sin (which he didnʼt have) but in order to save others. I take no credit discovering or coming up with either example, but I have found them useful and hope that anyone else doing evangelism among Buddhists, particularly Thai Buddhists, might find them useful. Subject: Contextualization; Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 1 Filesize: |
Title: King Mongkut’s Interactions With Christianity And The Failure Of Early Protestant Missionary Efforts To Convert The Siamese Author: Hills, Douglas Martin Description: This thesis will examine the first forty years of Protestant missionary work in Siam, from 1828 to 1868. One of the prominent figures in Siam at this time was Mongkut, who became king in 1851, and reigned until his death in 1868. Because of his prominence in the society, Mongkut is one of the few Siamese of that time whose interactions with missionaries can be traced over an extended period. This paper will investigate his relationship to Christianity, and it will be seen that while Mongkut had a cautiously open attitude to western influences and was eager to accept certain elements of western civilization, he emphatically rejected Christianity throughout his life, as did most of the Siamese that the missionaries encountered. The thesis will then investigate considerations which help explain the failure of the missionary efforts to convert the Siamese, examining both factors which were outside the control of the missionaries and those which were within their control. Finally, an attempt will be made to apply what we have learned to contemporary situations. Subject: Church History | 1800-1900 Type: Thesis Year Published: 2009 Pages: 163 Filesize: |
Title: The Playboy Bunny and Contextualization Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: The use of the Playboy bunny symbol in Thai fashion illustrates the challenge of deciding the meaning of certain cultural items in the process of contextualization Subject: Contextualization; Culture Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Protestant Christians in Thailand 2009 Author: Visser, Marten Description: This booklet gives a overview of the state of the Protestant Church in Thailand in the year 2009. This booklet is based upon research done by Marten Visser's for his Ph.D Thesis "Conversion Growth of Protestant Churches". Subject: Statistics & Maps; Evangelism Type: Research Paper Year Published: 2009 Pages: 14 Filesize: |
Title: The Sinners Prayer in Thai Churches Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: Every year there are hundreds, if not thousands, of Thai people who pray to receive Christ but never become involved in a church. Is it possible that the sinnerʼs prayer, which is supposed to signal conversion to the Christian faith, actually fails to challenge the animistic worldview of Thai people? What if instead of helping them find new life in Christ, it confirms them in their basically animistic worldview, but merely adds a temporary Christian veneer on the top of their existing beliefs? Subject: Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Status of the Protestant Church in Thailand - 2009 Author: Martin, Dwight Description: PowerPoint presentation of the number of churches and Christians in Thailand for the year 2009. Includes regional and church council totals as well as maps. Subject: Statistics & Maps Type: Powerpoint Year Published: 2009 Pages: Filesize: |
Title: Thai Christian Books (or the lack thereof) Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: A visit to a seminary and a Christian book publisher in Bangkok reveals the startling lack of resources available for the Thai church Subject: Discipleship Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Thai Church Denominations Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: A brief overview of the various church denominations that exist in Thailand Subject: Church History Type: Article Year Published: 2009 Pages: 1 Filesize: |