Title: Easter & Songkran Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Short article about proposal to make Easter celebration coincide with Songkran Subject: Contextualization Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 1 Filesize: |
Title: Getting Married Properly Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Few short articles about christian marriage Subject: Church History | 1800-1900; Contextualization Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Karen Evangelists Author: Swanson, Herb Description: An account of the beginnings of the WEC mission work in the Central/North parts of Thailand, and the stories of those missionaries who took part. Subject: Tribal; Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 1 Filesize: |
Title: Kawilorots Threat Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Article about the Prince of ChianhMai, Cao Kawilorot, who in 1869 uttered the threat to kill every one of his people who forsakes Buddhism for the religion of Jesus. Subject: Church History | 1800-1900 Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 1 Filesize: |
Title: Marburger Background Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Few short articles about the Marburger Mission in Thailand as of 1950 Subject: Mission Organizations; Church Planting Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Medicine & Mission Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Few short articles about the relationship between religion and medicine and how missionaries from the North Laos Mission saw Christian medical care. Subject: Buddhism; Church History | 1800-1900; Culture; Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 3 Filesize: |
Title: Overview Of Northern Thai Church History Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Very short overview of northern Thai Church History starting with Rev. Daniel McGilvary and Sophia Bradley McGilvary arriving in 1867. Subject: Church History | 1800-1900; Church History | 1900-1950 Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 1 Filesize: |
Title: Padroado, Propagande Fide, Catholic evangelism Author: Swanson, Herb Description: 3 short articles about Catholic church history in Thailand speaking about Padroado (patronage), Propagande Fide (catholic mission agency) and Catholic evangelism. Subject: Church History | Before 1800 Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Pastoral Care Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Few short articles about pastoral counseling in the CCT, the CCT's struggle with pastoral care and self-support for churches and rural groups. Subject: Church History | 1800-1900; Church History | 1900-1950; Leadership; Church Planting Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 3 Filesize: |
Title: Pa Wan, Training School, Night School Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Article about Pa Wan, a christian woman and the first student at the Laos Mission Theological Training School Subject: Church History | 1800-1900; Leadership Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 1 Filesize: |
Title: Persecution Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Three short artciles about religious persecution of Christians in Thailand both in 19th century and during 2nd World War Subject: Church History | 1800-1900; Church History | 1900-1950 Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Perspectives on Evangelism Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Article about factors for successful evangelistic work among northern Thais. Subject: Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 1 Filesize: |
Title: The Receptive Ear Communicating; Biblical Truths in Thai World Views Author: Williams, Iso Description: This thesis is an approach to contextualization of the gospel in a Thai context through story telling. Some sample stories have been included (in Thai) Subject: Contextualization Type: Thesis Year Published: 1995 Pages: 213 Filesize: |
Title: Student Papers: Church Split Author: Swanson, Herb Description: Article about pentecostal influence and churchsplit in the Christian Thai Namphai Church located in Uttaradit Province . Subject: Church History | 1980s Type: Article Year Published: 1995 Pages: 1 Filesize: |
Title: World Lover, World Leaver The Book Of Ecclesiastes and Thai Buddhism Author: Lorgunpai, Seree Description: This thesis compares the teaching of Ecclesiastes with the teachings of Therevada Buddhism and is aimed to help Thai Christians find some common ground for dialogue with Thai Buddhists and to open up the much-neglected area of Jewish-Buddhist dialogue. Subject: Bible; Contextualization Type: Thesis Year Published: 1995 Pages: 284 Filesize: |