Title: Conversion: Discovering the conversion of Thai Buddhists towards Christianity Author: De Bruijne, Jurjen Description: This study is about the religious conversion of Buddhists from Thailand who converted to Christianity in the last eight years (2002-2010) Subject: Evangelism Type: Research Paper Year Published: 2010 Pages: 43 Filesize: |
Title: "My Hope Thailand" Evangelistic Project Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: A critical assessment of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's "My Hope" evangelistic campaign in Thailand Subject: Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 2010 Pages: 3 Filesize: |
Title: One-Way Missions in the Age of Global Christianity: A View from Thailand Author: Zehner, Edwin Description: This article outlines the rapidly increasing level of missionary activity by Thailand’s Protestant churches and then notes a tendency for missions to flow from groups of higher prestige and socio-economic power to groups of lower prestige. Noting that the same pattern is observable among Christian missions worldwide, the author calls for greater attention to the patterns of church-mission partnerships, greater openness to spiritual leadership from groups of lower status, and greater attention to the work of non- Western missions worldwide. He also notes that failure to correct these patterns could sometimes lead missions to overlook the very kinds of movements among less respected peoples that had given rise to the churches in which their own personnel had been raised. Subject: Church Planting; Culture Type: Article Year Published: 2010 Pages: 9 Filesize: |
Title: The Peculiar Conversion of Nan Inta Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: One of the most unique and peculiar accounts that I have encountered is the story of Nān Inta, the first convert in the ministry of Daniel McGilvary. Regarded widely as the Father of the Church in Northern Thailand, McGilvary gives an account in his autobiograph Subject: Church History | 1800-1900 Type: Article Year Published: 2010 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Researching & Mapping to Reach a Nation - Thailand Author: Nicholson, Gregg Description: An article presented at Lausanne 2010 describing the work of the Thailand Evangelism Committe and what they are doing to reach the nation for Christ Subject: Church History; Church Planting; Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 2010 Pages: 4 Filesize: |
Title: Syncretistic Use of the Sinner’s Prayer in Thailand Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: Leftover baggage from an animistic worldview and a superficial reading of Romans 10:13 contribute to a magical view of the effectiveness of getting someone to say the sinner's prayer in Thailand Subject: Evangelism; Syncretism Type: Article Year Published: 2010 Pages: 4 Filesize: |
Title: Talking About the Resurrection with a Thai Chinese Buddhist Author: Dahlfred, Karl Description: A conversation with a Thai Chinese man highlights the centrality of Christ's resurrection in Christian faith and proclamation Subject: Evangelism Type: Article Year Published: 2010 Pages: 2 Filesize: |
Title: Worldviews: Messiah Jesus & Guatama Buddha Author: Lambert, John Description: Ever wonder what some of the major differences of worldview and reality there are between the two “great faiths” of Christianity and Buddhism? Here is a simple list that I pulled together from my own observation and study living in the land of Theravada Buddhism. Subject: Buddhism Type: Article Year Published: 2010 Pages: 3 Filesize: |